Podcast Co-Host

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

We speak with Megan Moran, a third generation mompreneur and the owner of Mompreneur Co.This conversation is all about the things we do to find community, to make it work at any stage of life, and how we can truly find freedom and fulfillment in the midst of it all.

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

We speak with Michelle Gauthier, a single mom of two and
a professional life coach who helps busy, overwhelmed women create a more calm and intentional life. Whether you are a single mom or not, Michelle’s take on what other people think, self-worth, and facing fear are things we can all relate to.

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

We chat with Rebekah Lara,
certified life coach and creator of the Time to Thrive program.Rebekah has three girls, all who have special needs and chronic medical conditions, and yet she runs a thriving coaching business. If you have been putting off doing something you love because of circumstances then this episode is for you.

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

We talk with Jennifer Herrmann, another entrepreneur mom who
is a lifestyle content creator sharing inspiration in home styling, parenting and business.Jennifer shares what it was like in the beginning of her business and how she has managed to balance life and work as her business has grown. Her scrappy ways will inspire you as you manage your own life.

Podcast Featured

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

“If I look confident, it doesn't always mean that I feel confident but it's about showing up anyways and just being okay with the results, even if it's not perfect because you showing up was the win.” - Jeanine Hauck

by Dawn Calvinisti & Jeanine Hauck | Imperfection in Progress Podcast

“And then once you hit your goal, you've moved the marker ahead and okay next goal, next goal. And then you never get to enjoy anything from one goal post to the next. And once you get to that goal, you never really celebrate that either. So where's your enjoyment and where's the love of life in there?” - Jeanine Hauck

by Sara Mayer & Jeanine Hauck | Bold Goal Crusher Podcast

Together, they explore the concept of living life on purpose and with intention, discussing how personal growth and self-awareness play a crucial role in this journey. Jeanine shares her experience of transitioning from a life on autopilot to a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

by Sophie Riley & Jeanine Hauck | Create, Automate & Scale Podcast

Tune into this special episode and learn the 3 reasons why foolproof strategies are working for everyone else, but you with our expert Jeanine Hauck!

Featured Life Changing Courses


For those who have been creating inconsistent results in their success giving them the foundation and prosperity, they’ve been missing.

Frequency Of Acceleration

The Frequency of Acceleration is for those that just need a few sessions to breakthrough what's been holding them back.

1:1 Accelerated Coaching

For those who knows the value of working with a coach consistently and are committed to expanding their energy in a big way.

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