Media Information for Interviews, Press, etc.

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Talk Topics & Expertise

I know you're here to book me as a speaker, but there are a few things I think you should know first.

I'm an international coach, entrepreneur, wife, and mom to 3 little ones, 6 years old and younger.

I think I am hilarious, I completely nerd out on all things spiritual.

I am an extrovert, so connections are everything!

Leaving High School, my goal in life was to become a farmer's wife, now I connect with truly incredible women internationally. Talk about a 360* change.

This is one of the many reasons I am so passionate to help women remove their limitations, so they can show up every day as their most abundant version of themselves.

  • Create Your Own Masterpiece

  • How Your Past Is Influencing Your Future

  • Self-Care Is Not A Dirty Word

  • Harness Your Feminine Energy And Become A Boss

  • What It Takes To Become A Trailblazer

But let's be honest, some of the best conversations come on the fly

Short Bio

Jeanine Hauck is a coach, entrepreneur, wife, and mom to 3 little ones, 6 and under. She's made it her goal to help ambitious women discover and create a life on purpose. By practising this herself, she has created opportunities to collaborate with women around the world.

She has made it her mission to help women shed old beliefs, stories, and influences, so they can show up every day in their purpose.

She does this through her gifts as an intuitive channel and as an empowerment coach. You were not meant to live an average life. Turn the average into extraordinary with Jeanine Hauck.


Ambitious women
dedicated to personal and professional growth.

99% Women79% Between the Ages of 25-50

**You have permission to use any of the photos provided on this media sheet for our collaboration,

as long as you cite and/or @jeanine.hauck

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