Where I started …

At 17 I had my whole life mapped out, I was going to be a farmer’s wife. (nope, not the farmer, I was a supporting character in my own life story) 

I became a hairdresser, got married to my lovely husband, and we brought our first child into the world. This is when a crack in my reality began. This is when my spirituality began to open up. 

Nope, I was not cracked with lightning or started seeing dead people, nothing so dramatic. I began asking the question WHY?

  • Why do I feel embarrassed to ask questions?

  • Why do I have no energy and feel lethargic all the time? (besides having a newborn)

  • Why do I cook roast that way? ... literally EVERYTHING!

Become Limitless

In 9 weeks, become limitless. No longer allow overwhelm, money, and time to control your life. Create a foundation that allows you to achieve success on your terms. For those who have been creating inconsistent results in their success giving them the foundation and prosperity, they’ve been missing.

It kicked me off the autopilot that I didn’t know I was living on. Asking myself why about everything put me back in the driving seat so that everything I was bringing into my life was intentional. 

The journey and the growth gradually continued as the universe continually put me in front of people who would help me get to my next level.

We just had our second child and moved 5 days after to a new area, so my husband could start a new job. Our second daughter, Natalie, did not cry, she screamed!

We found an old 2-bedroom mobile home to rent. There was not a lot of spare room for the 4 of us. For a time, Natalie slept in the living room or the hallway, depending on where we could find space.

In all of this, I felt called to start an online business. I had never done anything in the online world, and neither had anyone I’d known.I just knew I wanted to serve women.

I Can Help

So I started with what I knew. Hair. I taught moms how to braid their daughter's hair. (With the background as a hairdresser this seemed the natural step)

My husband creatively MacGyver'd a desk out of his keyboard stand with a diaper box taped over it and a sheet on top to class it up. I had this set up at the end of my bed and had a backdrop hanging over my closet, so I could film braid tutorials. I was not kidding when I said there was no space.

Throughout all of this, I was always developing my spiritual skills and intuition to guide me to my highest calling. (Anything spiritual and I was nerding out…P.S. Listen to that inner nerd, it may be trying to tell you something. P.P.S. No I do not mean that you are a wizard Harry or that you have the force, sorry)

Following the breadcrumbs the universe was leaving me, and I evolved to coaching, I was excited and terrified to make this transition, it was such a stretch, but I trusted and just kept putting one foot in front of the next.

There was always a common theme among whomever I served, opening the box they were in to see how much choice and opportunity they have and help them live it.

I share my whole story, so you can clearly see, that I didn’t start with any extra abilities and I had no idea where my life was leading. But I am so grateful to this day that I was willing to trust and take it one transition at a time, trusting and discovering the next right step for me.

It’s not about where you are on the journey, but rather where are you being called right now. 

Where I am right now…

I am a mom of 3, a lightworker, an energy empowerment coach. I help leaders and entrepreneurs transcend limiting blocks & create their extraordinary life in a feminine way.

There’s my beautiful oneliner, but what does it mean??

That means no more getting stuck in the doing becoming a workaholic and burning out. That cycle is so last year. 

What if you reconnected with your authentic self? Who you are truly meant to be on this earth. I am here to help that happen for you by clearing out the junk. The beliefs that are no longer serving you the blocks that are keeping you in a lower frequency.   

Spoiler Alert: Who you were meant to be on this earth is abundant! If you are not living your most abundant life let's change that. 

Now you may be a little unfamiliar with frequency or energy here is a super simple cheat sheet to give you an idea.

Thoughts and actions in fear are of a low frequency.

Thoughts and actions in abundance and limitlessness

are in a high frequency.

What you put out is what you receive. 

So let’s look at the things causing bumps and your road, holding you back, and shift the energy, so you can alchemize it.

Fun Fact, I am a…

  • Manifesting Generator

  • Leo

  • Spiritual Nerd - can not learn enough

  • I Love A Good Second Hand Store

  • We Are A Big Board Game Family

  • Cows Are My Favorite Animals (I will accept gifts or bribes in the form of a mini highlander- don't tell my husband)

Ignite: Create space, so you can get out of the doing 

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After reading this page, do you have a question or two that you’d like me to answer? Schedule a Clarity Call, and we can connect over zoom to see if this done-for-you service is a good fit for your brand.

Customer Wins

Christine Baker

I came to work with Jeanine Hauck when I was absolutely at the end of my tether. I am actively going through bankruptcy due to wildfire where I lost my home, pets, job trying to support my child through her anxiety and Depression, while pushing my own needs down to the point where I was like a machine. Jeanine experience was literally lifesaving. Her no nonsense analytical approach made it possible for me to establish a rhythm to tackle all items on my list while filling my own bucket. She helped me achieve the mind shift I needed to go from surviving to thriving. She provided me with specific details to start taking charge of my life again instead of the feeling of just running around putting out fires. I would recommend her whole heartedly.

Danielle Smith
Coach & Founder
Elemental Delta

In a short strategy call, I felt heard and understood though we had never met before. As I shared the ONE topic for strategic coaching, Jeanine was able to make connections with other areas of my life that I hadn't realized were creating obstacles everywhere. Her gentle coaching style allowed me to share vulnerably and be inspired to grow in new ways. She has a GIFT!

Cathy Bouthillier

I only wish that I had these resources available to me. Please continue with your excellent resource for all women.

Mary Davis

I am so inspired by my strategy call with Jeanine. It was invigorating!

Desi- Ann Gordon

The Working Mom Series is a must-attend for moms. Whether or not you have a business, there are lots of valuable and practical takeaways that will help you have a fulfilling life.

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